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Headphones and Keyboard

Diaphragmatic Breathing
with Dr. Riehl

Here it is, friends! This 4-minute video, viewed over 385,000 times, has helped countless people manage GI symptoms. Watch now to discover the benefits of this simple yet powerful breathing technique.

Features of Interest

Gut-directed hypnotherapy is an evidence-based intervention to help those with IBS.

Learn more about this treatment and the impressive effects!

White Structure

Inflammatory Bowel Disease Resources 

Crohn's and Colitis Foundation

Mental and Emotional Well-being Resources

Dr. Riehl is a member of the Crohn's and Colitis Foundation's national Board of  Trustees and has volunteered with the National Patient Education Committee as team of experts to develop educational materials regarding stress, living with IBD and mental health. 

Dr. Megan Riehl's writing is for general educational purposes only. It does not constitute and should not substitute for individual medical or mental health advice, psychotherapy, or the provision of medical or psychological services.

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